tl;dr: When I write a post, it starts as a kramdown file on my phone, moves to dropbox, is compiled on one of my other computers, sanity checked afterwards for content and layout, and then posted.
It has been quite some time since I have posted on here. I have decided in the interim on a few changes, the most noticable to You all is the delay at which I will be posting: This post was written on the 26th of December, not the 7th of January.
But the most noticable change to me has been the remarkable change to my writing process. I now have a multistepped chain that nearly all of my blogs will eventually be using. I am using this post mostly to codify the process, for when it eventually breaks down and I need something to remind me about how I am supposed to be doing this.
First of all, it starts on my phone. I recently have come into the possession of a bluetooth keyboard, which allows me to type quickly and accurately on my Android Phone (a Samsung Galaxy III Mini). I use a free application called Markdrop to organize the text files and upload them to Dropbox.
This moves the finished files downstream to my computers, all of which run some version of Slackware GNU/Linux. Kramdown, being a parser written entirely in Ruby, doesn’t really need Linux in order to work… but I do.
I then check them for sanity: try all of the links, make sure the image link (which uses Imgur, by the way) is displaying correctly, do some quick spelling and grammar checks.
After this, it is a simple matter of copying the html5 code from the text file to the Blogger dashboard, adding the labels, and sharing the post so people can see it.
This process lets me blog from whereever I am, and (hopefully) will result in a semi-regular update schedule. I no longer need to spend a full hour in front of the computer in order to produce a post: now, I only need my phone and a few free minutes here and there.
Let’s see how this works.
Time for me to get back to work. Comments are always appreciated,
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